The equipment for desulphurization of industrial waste gas is centered on tower equipment, which is desulphurita. Desulfurization tower was originally to granite masonry is the most widely applied, its use of water film desulfurization dust removal principle, also known as granite water film dust remover, or of the granite water film dust remover. The advantages are easy to maintain and can be achieved by mixing different dedusting agents with dust removal and desulfurization (denitrification). Now with the development of glass and steel technology, desulfurizer is made from glass. Compared with the granite desulfurization tower, the glass steel desulfurization tower is low cost, the processing is easy, the rust is not bad, and the weight is light, so it becomes the development trend of desulfurization tower in the future. The three advantages of corrosion resistance, high temperature and wear resistance are also one of the important trends of desulfurization. After years of improvement, has developed a written venturi type, plate type, cyclone column type, floating ball, sieve plate type, pneumatic emulsion type and other types of desulfurization tower, the equipment technology matures, each have advantages and disadvantages, the enterprise can choose different types according to their need.