Process principle of flue gas dedusting and desulphurization tower
玻璃钢湿法脱硫除尘器,运用了基于多相紊流强传质机理而研制的一种湿法脱硫除尘技术,把离心水膜除尘和喷雾沸腾脱硫除尘相结合为一体,将带有粉尘和有害气体的烟气经 文丘里和特制的旋流器被加速,并与文丘里前喷入的雾化液及塔部上端喷淋的脱硫液相碰撞形成旋切力,气、液被高速旋切,充分混合后上升进入沸腾反应层,烟气中的粉尘和有害气体被脱硫液中的微细液粒捕获与吸收,由于雾化的液粒产生大量界面,因而单位液量捕集和吸收烟尘和有害气体的效率高。净化后的烟气经脱水器、引风机、烟囱排到大气中 工艺流程 技术指标 项 目 指 标脱硫效率(%) ≥85 除尘效率(%) ≥98 林格曼黑度(级) ≤1 液气比(L/m3) 0.8~1.5 系统阻力(Pa) <1000 技术特点脱硫除尘一体化,结构紧凑,设备占地面积小,投资费用低; 脱硫剂可采用纯碱-氧化钙、冲渣水-氧化镁、冲渣水-石灰或其它碱性废水; 系统操作简单、运行稳定、维护方便;耐腐蚀. 适应能力强,适应于大、中、小型各种立式锅炉和卧式链条炉锅炉、窑炉,砖厂隧道窑烟气脱硫除尘,砖厂煤矸石烟气除尘脱硫,也适应于硅铁炉、硅钙炉等烟尘浓度高,锯末燃料锅炉,秸秆燃料锅炉,木材燃料锅炉,重油燃料锅炉烟气,废塑料燃料锅炉烟气等难于治理的烟气。 适应范围 湿法脱硫除尘器适用于各行业燃煤锅炉,原有的花岗岩水膜除尘器改造或新建花岗岩水膜除尘器或其它材质塔体的烟气脱硫除尘。
The wet desulphurization duster of FRP uses a wet desulphurization and dust removal technology based on the multiphase turbulent mass transfer mechanism. It combines the centrifugal water film dusting with the spray boiling desulfurization and dedusting, and accelerates the mound and special swirl of the flue gas with dust and harmful gases and is sprayed with Venturi. The atomization liquid and the spray desulphurization liquid of the upper end of the tower are formed to form the rotation shear force. The gas and liquid are swirled at high speed, and then it is fully mixed and then goes up into the boiling reaction layer. The dust and harmful gas in the flue gas are captured and absorbed by the fine liquid particles in the desulfurized liquid. The amount of liquid particles is captured and absorbed by the atomized liquid particles, so the unit liquid quantity is collected and absorbed. The efficiency of the collection of smoke and harmful gases is high. The desulfurization efficiency (%) more than 85 dust removal efficiency (%) > 98 llgman blackness (grade) less than 1 liquid gas ratio (L/m3) 0.8 ~ 1.5 system resistance (Pa) < 1000 technical characteristics of desulphurization and dust removal integration and compact structure. The equipment has a small area and low investment cost, and the desulfurizer can use soda lime - calcium oxide, slag water - Magnesium Oxide, slag water - lime or other alkaline wastewater. The system is simple in operation, stable in operation, convenient in maintenance, corrosion resistant and adaptable to large, medium and small types of vertical and horizontal boiler and chain boiler boiler. The flue gas desulfurization and dust removal from the kiln and the brick factory tunnel kiln and the dust removal and desulfurization of the coal gangue of the brick factory are also adapted to the high concentration of smoke and dust, such as the silicon iron furnace and the silica calcium furnace, the sawdust fuel boiler, the straw fuel boiler, the wood fuel boiler, the heavy oil fuel boiler flue gas, the waste plastic fuel boiler flue gas and so on. The adaptive range wet desulphurization duster is suitable for coal fired boilers in various industries, the original granite water film dust remover is reformed or new granite water film dust remover or other material tower body is built for flue gas desulfurization and dust removal.