In the industrial era, the technology of FRP desulfurization tower and the maintenance of FRP desulfurization tower ensure that there will be no dust or special impurities that affect the original project. In many cases, the efficiency of FRP desulfurization tower in the progress of industrial era is mainly due to the extraction process of components and materials. If the desulfurization efficiency of desulfurization tower itself can reach 70%. Above all, it has been very remarkable, after all, the absorption effect of sulfur dioxide has not yet been effectively changed, which has become the current FRP desulfurization tower selection must comply with the rules. Judging from the current use of FRP desulfurization tower, the most commonly used FRP desulfurization tower technology in China is through high-level desulfurization, and some special catalysts desulfurization and adsorptive desulfurization. The efficiency of these methods is quite obvious, making the use of special materials, giving people a better market and value comparison.