电动伸缩门特点 |
添加时间:2022/9/7 14:31:22 浏览次数: |
电动伸缩门特点 Features of electric telescopic door: 1、电动伸缩门的智能红外探头防撞装置,遇人或异物30-50cm,可自行返回运行,从而保障车辆及行人的安全。 1. The intelligent infrared probe anti-collision device of the electric telescopic door can automatically return to operation when encountering 30-50cm people or foreign objects, so as to ensure the safety of vehicles and pedestrians. 2、电动伸缩门可以选用电子软启动与机械缓冲装置配合使用,启闭时主机不摇晃且运行顺畅,普通电动门在启闭时易晃动,运行继续且发出磨擦噪音,导致交接管折断。电动伸缩门产品 2. Electric telescopic door can be used with electronic soft start and mechanical buffer device. When opening and closing, the main machine does not shake and runs smoothly. Ordinary electric door is easy to shake when opening and closing, and the operation continues and generates friction noise, resulting in the breaking of the connecting pipe. Electric telescopic door products 3、 襄阳理想门业钢纤维 驱鸟设备 保定通风管道 塑料土工格栅 检查井模具 流水槽模具 锻造厂家 华尔街铜牛电动伸缩门的离心式离合器,在停电时只需将精致的钥匙从专用离合孔插入,轻松旋转90度角,即转为手动运行。 3. The centrifugal clutch of the electric telescopic door of Xiangyang ideal door industry only needs to insert the delicate key from the special clutch hole when the power is cut off, and easily rotate it by 90 degrees, that is, it turns to manual operation |
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